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What Sex And The City taught us about money (surprisingly)


Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Once upon a time an English journalist came to New York….

If you don’t recognise that line, it comes from possibly the best TV series of all time - Sex and The City.

Not only did the show teach use how to put together a great outfit, the best place to go to for cupcakes in NYC (Magnolia Bakery if you were wondering), it also gave us some surprisingly great pieces of money advice (not sure if the writers intended this, but we are rolling with it), So what did Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda teach us?

1. Think about where you live. When purchasing a house, Neighbourhoods with higher owner-occupancy rates are more expensive...Hello Manhattan.

2. Understand that your first home may not be your dream home. It’s important to get your foot in the literal door to building wealth.

3. Pay yourself first. Make a commitment to put a certain amount of your pay-check away EVERY TIME. Make it automatic and watch that account flourish.

4. Act your wage. Don’t spend as if you are earning the lifestyle you want for your future, without gaining that future income first

5. Audit your current financial situation and see where you need to start to repair your financial position. Perhaps reducing your shoe budget?

6. Get your financial team in place. This team may include but is not limited to: a financial advisor, accountant (depending on your situation), lender, friends to turn to for advice, and of course, Realtor.

7. The ‘occasional splurge’ can add up and turn into thousands of pounds spent (on shoes)

8. Hustle – whether it is creating opportunity to meet new people, freelancing at Vogue or sneaking into Soho House with someone else's membership (we don’t recommend the last) — these girls Hustled.

9. Don’t rely on a partner to pay your rent.  When Carrie and Mr. Big broke up, she was practically homeless

10. You don’t have to say yes to spending money on every occasion, e.g. shoes (Carrie, come on), Meals, Drinks, Outings – it gets expensive

11. Set goals — if you want Manolo Blahniks, save the amount and get your Manolo Blahniks

12. Love Yourself First - Take career risks and own your financial responsibility as an independent being.

 Fempire Finance

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